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    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Enviromental business question

    Today’s topic is a question.
    If an eco-friendly company can afford the lower margins, should it sell its environmentally friendly products at the same price as its non-eco competitors?
    Consider this from two directions.
    The first an economic one: Are there enough environmentally minded consumers in your market, who will now switch to your product because it is environmentally friendly and normally priced, to make up for the lower margin?
    The second an ethical one: By selling your products at a lower price, more customers will turn to your environmentally friendly renewable products. This may help preserve our world that much longer, it could potentially even help to change someone’s perspective.

    What are your thoughts?
    ReserveAge Organics sells its products at normal Resveratrol market prices, despite sourcing only certified organic grapes and incurring higher production costs. We believe that you shouldn’t have to pay more to stay healthy or help to preserve the earth.

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