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    Monday, February 23, 2009

    Good News For Resveratrol And Prostate Cancer Prevention

    You may have heard recently about resveratrol and prostate cancer prevention in the media, as it is being tipped as a major force for the future in the fight against cancer.

    This amazing nutrient is found in nature, with high concentrations in Japanese Knotweed, red grape skins, blueberries and peanuts. This is why resveratrol prostate cancer studies have found that red wine is a good source if taken in enough quantities, as the grape skins are fermented longer.

    Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have announced the results of a study in which mice that were fed resveratrol were 87% less likely to develop the most deadly form of prostate cancer (compared with mice not fed with it).

    This is good news for resveratrol and prostate cancer prevention and furthermore these studies showed that of the mice that did then get prostate cancer, they were 48% less likely to suffer from a serious tumour.

    It has been proven to fight cancer in all three stages: initiation, promotion and progression, which is quite a big deal seeing as though we are only just getting to grips with this nutrient.

    The main reason for this is that it is a very powerful antioxidant, which is proven not only to fight cancer but also reverse the aging process. In fact, it is being hailed as one of the most exciting substances ever found to aid the extension of life and slow aging.

    So it is not only the resveratrol and prostate cancer link which is cause all the excitement but many others too such as helping with Alzheimer's and diabetes.

    All this is especially great news for men, that we can potentially fight off this increasingly common disease.

    So apart from consuming copious amounts of red wine, how can we get the benefits of resveratrol?

    Today, the most effective way is in the form of a combined health supplement, but make sure they only use natural synergetic ingredients, with at least 20mg of natural 50% trans-resveratrol, which is the most active type.

    For example, resveratrol combines well with green tea extract among others, and it is this beneficial interaction or synergy that greatly amplifies its power to fight cancer, and many other diseases.

    In closing I hope that this info on resveratrol and prostate cancer has highlighted what this amazing nutrient can do, especially when taken in a multi health supplement.

    Perhaps in the future, as we become more and more aware, we could help to eradicate this deadly disease by taking preventative steps, rather than looking for a cure.



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is really interesting. It looks like it's only going to be a matter of time before mainstream medicine has to admit that there may be an alternative way to health.

