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    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    New Resveratrol studies

    ReserveAge Organics spends a lot of time leafing through new scientific data on Resveratrol and I wanted to keep everyone informed of the latest Resveratrol studies out there.

    Resveratrol Fights Ovarian Cancer Cells in Culture

    The first exciting study adds more proof to the idea that Resveratrol may actually fight and destroy cancer cells. The studies were done in-vitro and human studies need to be done to determine if it will work in our bodies the same way it works in the petri dish. However, the idea that we may have finally discovered a way to fight cancer without the use of chemo, which has devastating effects on the body, is just so exciting. This is especially exciting for potential application in fighting pediatric cancer because chemotherapy can have long term effects on the growing child. For more info check the study out here.

    Resveatrol May Fight Weight Gain and Obesity.
    We have seen a number of studies in animals showing lower levels of obesity in the animals using Resveratrol. This study suggests that Resveratrol may be regulating chemicals that cause us to gain weight. Check it out here.

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