A typical testimonial, from Betty of Lower Hutt, reads – “My blood pressure had been around 160 over 80 and I never can get it down below 150. But without any changes to lifestyle, except having the daily glass of Madiran wines, it was measured last week at the hospital as 126 over 60. My doctor will fall off his chair.
The GROUNDBREAKING research by Professor Roger Corder has established that;
- Procyanidin antioxidant polyphenols lower blood pressure
- Procyanidins reduce the risk of clot formation and blockage of the arteries
- Procyanidins decrease atherosclerosis by reducing oxidation of bad LDL-cholesterol
- French Madiran wines have the highest levels of procyanidins
- The Appellation Madiran and other traditionally made wines from SW France have up to 10 times more procyanidin content than “new-world” anytime drinking red wines. Few wines have these high concentrations of procyanidins. Other foods rich in procyanidins are dark chocolate, walnuts, cranberries, certain apple varieties and pomegranates.
This is the REAL French Paradox.
Customers of the heart healthy Madiran wines from online wine retailer www.lifestylewines.co.nz are reporting blood pressure improvements consistent with Prof Corder’s research.
Consumers’ experiences and their testimonials support the research that after 2 weeks of just one glass per day, their high blood pressure has noticeably reduced. This is a very compelling health strategy for the over 40 age group, to both prevent and take action against cardiovascular disease. Dr Serge Renaud, who first proposed the French Paradox, supports the research and conclusions of Prof Corder.
Uniquely and utterly compelling about Procyanidins and the heart healthy red wines is -
- Epidemiological studies reveal populations that consume high dose procyanidin foods in their regular daily diet have the greatest longevity
- Official French census data shows the local population in this region has double the French national average of men over 90 years
- In this region they do NOT have the Mediterranean diet, it is quite unhealthy in many regards
- Corder’s research conducted on cultured human tissue – not other animals
- Procyanidins in these wines is a cardiovascular healthy compound in very high naturally occurring doses – the wines are part of a natural diet. Conversely many unnaturally high-dose supplements are not proven as safe for humans over long periods of consumption.
- The Lifestylewines.co.nz range of traditionally made French red wines are tested to be sure they have the highest concentrations of procyanidins. They are up to 10 times more cardiovascular health potent than the average new-world (soft, sweet, easy drinking) style red wines
- Other research has stated that these polyphenols in red wine also protect against the dangers of strokes, diabetes, dementia and certain cancers
The British Heart Foundation - quoted Nov 07
Prof Pearson, associate director of the BHF, said in regards to healthy red wines "Maybe it's time we revised our policy,", "I think that perhaps we are being too cautious. We've always been reluctant to promote alcohol because of the obvious risks of over-drinking, but I think there's enough evidence now for us to have a re-think".
Source: "Scoop"
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